

26 July 2023
source of energy for the horse

Fiber or grain: which is the best source of energy for the horse?

Fiber and grains are the basis of the sport horse's diet. But which of the two turns out to be the best source of energy for the horse? Equines are monogastric herbivores, meaning they have a simple stomach and feed mainly on fibrous vegetation or plant material, which should make up the largest percentage of the horse's diet. Often, the demands of sport and stabling alter what is the physiology and ethology of the horse.
26 July 2022
stress da trasporto nel cavallo

Transport stress in the horse

Transport stress in the horse has been amply demonstrated in the field and everyone easily understands the repercussions of a travel on equine welfare. What is meant by stress? We all know it but it is not easy to define. It has been described as a consequence of the negative effects of management or the environment that force an animal to change its natural condition or behaviour to avoid a physiological malfunction, thus helping the animal to cope with its environment.
26 April 2021

Yearling Period: Balanced diet for best development in the first year of horse life

As already mentioned previously, the development of the foal and the attention we must take to its nutrition starts from the moment it is still a conception moment, before it is born. During the first year of life, the average weight gain is approximately one kg per day, this is why a correct balance between the different nutrients is essential for optimal development. Nutritional mistakes in this phase can compromise the yearling's harmonious growth and future racing career.
26 October 2020

Old Horse: Nutritional Management

In the last few years, the management, the feeding and the careful of the horses has made sure that their average life is extended by several years and we often find ourselves in the situation where we have to manage old horses. Age, experience and temperament make them the best subjects for beginners who approach to ride horse and in every equestrian school there is at least one old horse. Furthermore, old horses are often mares and breeding stallions after a sport career. Age is not a limit for sport, but at some point in their career, horses have difficult in maintaining bodyweight and are prone to slimming, especially in winter and sometimes it happens very quickly, despite having plenty of food and preserved appetite. Let’s see together how to approach the old horse from the nutritional point of view.
26 March 2021

The horse’s immune system

By immune system, we mean a system within the body that recognises a external invading agent and processes an immune response. This includes various body part […]
30 September 2019

Novità firmata Equiplanet

Supportare cavalli atleti ad alta prestazione, per facilitare la loro attività e migliorare prestazioni e recupero atletico, è di balisare importanza per ogni cavaliere o amazzone.Equiplanet […]
29 September 2019

Estratti Vegetali

Supportare cavalli atleti ad alta prestazione, per facilitare la loro attività e migliorare prestazioni e recupero atletico, è di balisare importanza per ogni cavaliere o amazzone.Equiplanet […]
28 September 2019

Il pastone

Supportare cavalli atleti ad alta prestazione, per facilitare la loro attività e migliorare prestazioni e recupero atletico, è di balisare importanza per ogni cavaliere o amazzone.Equiplanet […]